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5 Best Beaches for You to Visit West Sumatra, Indonesia

Trip Dalgano - Destination | Hello friends, on this occasion we will discuss the topic of the province of West Sumatra, namely 5 Best Beaches for You to Visit West Sumatra, Indonesia. The Beaches is a natural tourist spot that is perfect for spending vacation time and unwinding from daily activities, especially for someone who doesn't like crowds. Given that the Provinces of Aceh and North Sumatra are no less interesting than their natural destinations, read Destinations in Aceh. And more about 5 Best Travel Destinations in North Sumatra, Indonesia.

Read Also: 13 Most Popular Tourist Destinations in West Sumatra, Indonesia

These are the 5 Best Beaches for You to Visit West Sumatra, Indonesia

1. Carolina Beach

Carolina Beach

Carolina Beach

Read Also: Carolina Beach: Reveal the Beauty of the Beach, West Sumatra, Indonesia

If you're looking for a beach destination in West Sumatra that's a little closer to Padang, head to Carolina Beach. Although the beach is not very long, its reputation as a beautiful beach has been widely discussed by tourists. This beach tourism object in West Sumatra also attracts visitors because of the existence of a lighthouse that has stood since the Dutch colonial era. And has a very interesting natural spot for those of you who like to take pictures or capture the moment. The access is approximately 25 kilometers from Padang to Bungus Bay, and you can also use public transportation to Bungus.

2. Mapaddegat Beach

Mapaddegat Beach

Mapaddegat Beach

Mapaddegat is a paradise for world-class surfers in the Mentawai Islands. The waves that are considered prominent because of their similar shape to the model provide their own challenges when riding them. After surfing, you can relax on the coast of West Sumatra while waiting for the afternoon because its strategic location provides fantastic sunset views. To visit it, you can take a boat from Bungus Bay Ferry Port, about 10-12 hours away. For a shorter trip, you can cross by speedboat Mentawai Fast from Muaro Harbor.

Read Also: Mapaddegat Beach: Reveal the Beauty of the Beach, West Sumatra, Indonesia

3. Gandoriah Beach

Gandoriah Beach

Gandoriah Beach

Gandoriah Beach is in the center of Kota Pariaman and this is not the only thing that makes it attractive for visitors. Six clusters of small islands into a stunning landscape from the shoreline in West Sumatra also offer a stunning exotic panorama. besides that, tourists can do various beach sports activities while eating Pariaman typical snacks such as sala lauak, Lokan satay, and prawn rakik. And to visit it, you can pass through the beach gate, only hundreds of meters from Pariaman Station.

Read Also: Gandoriah Beach - Beach Facts in West Sumatra, Indonesia

4. Sako Beach

Sako Beach

Sako Beach

Although Sako Beach is still relatively empty of visitors, this beach is one of the hidden treasures in West Sumatra. In this West Sumatra beach tourist destination, you can bask in the hot sun while hearing the soft sound of the waves. The bouncing hills in the clear seawater provide beautiful portrait objects for photographers. You can visit it simply by motorbike or car, take the Padang - Painan route to Nagari Labuhan Tarok, West Bungus Village.

Read Also: Sako Beach - Reveal the Beauty of the Beach, West Sumatra, Indonesia

5. Suwarnadwipa Beach

Suwarnadwipa Beach

Suwarnadwipa Beach

In addition to white sand and sparkling water, there is also an iconic swing photo spot that is enough to make this beach in West Sumatra very unique. You don't even need to dive, the shape of the golden coral reef is visible from the sea. Whether you're diving, jetskiing, or challenging your friends to a game of volleyball, your visit to Suwarnadwipa Beach is sure to be unforgettable, Take a fast boat from Bungus Padang Beach.

Read Also: Suwarnadwipa Beach - Reveal the Beauty of the Beach, West Sumatra, Indonesia

Okay, I think the discussion is over, thank you for visiting our blog. And have read the article about the 5 Best Beaches for You to Visit West Sumatra, Indonesia. Hopefully, it will be useful for Indonesian netizens, especially Netizen +1 who are confused about finding a place to vacation and unwind from everyday life. In addition, the beach can also be used as a place for a vacation for someone who likes to enjoy how beautiful the coast is with strong sea breezes. Also, check out the article about the lakes that must be visited in North Sumatra and beaches worth visiting. Learn more, and Find Tourism and Culinary In Indonesia.

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